Friday, July 13, 2012

Moving and Grooving Vacation Mode

I'm in a Go Go's kind of mood because we are going on vacation in a few days.  Sunny Florida here we come! This is our first vacation in over 5 years and we are very excited.  Driving to Florida with my gang will give me plenty of blog material.  10 hours a day for two days.  It should be interesting.  I'll take pictures and try to post some.  Miss you my blogging friends!  See you when I get back in early August!


Gail Dixon said...

Enjoy! You deserve it!

Becca said...

Hope you guys have a great time!! Yay for vacay!

shabby girl said...

Ten hours a day for two days??? You are a wild woman. Be safe out there on those crazy roads.
Wishing you many wonderful memory makers!

T Rex Mom said...

Have a wonderful time. Make sure you take some photos and consider sharing one with us.

Valerie said...

Oh wow, I'm so thrilled for you. Have a wonderful time.


Have a wonderful time Kelly.

Can you let me know if you can access my blog. I changed templates a few weeks ago and many people can't get it.
It works on Chrome but the trouble is Internet Explorer. I had someone come out and he fixed it, all my friends in the uk get it but am still getting emails from US saying otherwise.

JM said...

have a wonderful time. there are statistics out there that show that americans work more and vacation less than any other ppl in the world. so get out there and enjoy and don't wait so long to do it again :D

Unknown said...

you are overdue for a vacay! FLA is great. your gang is going to have tons of fun!

Jenners said...

You so deserve a vacation … though driving to FL with the kids stretches the meaning of that word I think!! : )

Have fun!

glnroz said...

i suspect you deserve a vacation..

Gerri said...


Susan Fobes said...

I still can't help thinking about that car trip-LOL! Have fun :)

Ken Devine said...

Make the most of it (I'm sure you will).

Michelle said...

I don't know why it is, but that video always reminds me of the movie Vacation. Is was in there once, right?

I'd never seen the video before, but oh how it makes me giggle :)