Waiting outside Jillian's ballet class, I forced myself to get some kind of poem out. Here it is with all its rough edges. At least, it's a start. Thanks for reading!
"Cut It Free"
With laser precision
my eye of conquest
fathomed unsaid coiled
under layers of necessary
that gelled to clouds.
That lance of intent
burns hot through static
pulsing through repetition
sectioned a chisel
that shaped a willful hand.
When I write a poem, I stare off into the distance. I'm sure some of the other dance moms were wondering if I was spacing out. Anyway, I'm glad that I forced this one out in that 10 minutes. I need to get back on the horse. It may be a rocky ride at first, but I'm sure I'll "be back in the saddle again." I couldn't resist that reference. My Dad loved those old cowboy movies. That line is for you, Dad.
When I have a good hair and voice day, you will see that promised karaoke vlog. Jillian reminds me all the time.
I thought you said you'd lost the knack of writing poetry.... what rubbish you did talk. You've now proved otherwise. Stay well, my friend.
Beautiful. I had no trouble imagining you staring off into space searching for the perfect words. You haven't lost a thing, my dear!
b'ful and sensitive. VAITING FOR THE VLOG.
I'm impressed by your multi-tasking, poet-mom! Best wishes to your son on his confirmation.
I couldn't come up with that in 10 minutes if someone held a gun to my head. We need to get you a publisher!
Sounds good to me and in only ten mins. I say you have deffo got the talent.. Hugs GJ and Carol x
Wow, and that is just a "rough" draft huh? You haven't lost it at all! And you crack me up with your good hair and voice day- ha! Hope it doesn't take too long for those two things to occur on the same day :)
Hugs to you dear friend! Thanks for being such a good friend to me!
glad you have your creative fire back!
Sounds like you picked up right where you left off, artistry with words. Great imagery... :)
I enjoyed your creative moment here. Karoake V-log sounds awesome. I look forward to it Septembermom.
I totally understand about busy. I haven't had a moment to breathe this month either. Glad you had a moment during dance class to relax and write some poetry. Hope you are all doing well.
Your poetry is always visual for me. Thanks so much for sharing!
I bet you are one of the few moms who is pushing out poetry while waiting for their little dancers!! Good for you for using your "stolen" moments for yourself.
I love the depth and view of your words :D Keep at it; staring is working for you~
I know how writing can nag you even when it seems impossible to take the time to do it. I hope you get some free time to find your writing self again Kel! I love the poem.
Oh wow. This is a 10 minute rough draft? I agree with Teresha--some fortunate company needs to be publishing these. You speak to the souls of busy mothers everywhere. I love the visual of "that lance of intent." Great work, once again.
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