Friday, October 14, 2011

Poetry, teaching, and finding that elusive piece of me

Running around like a crazy lady has kept me from my need to be creative. I worry that I have somehow lost my poetic "fire."  The words and images are not knocking on my door as often.  I need to slow my pace and listen for the Muse again.  This is a time when I could use a Thoreau type of retreat.  Well, I guess my deck will have to be my place away to think and create.  I feel those butterflies in my belly now as I fear that the poetry will stay away.  "Kelly on the go" really has to become "Kelly needs to reflect."

I don't want to lose that part of me.  I will mourn that loss.  The blog can become my forum again for the poetry. I just have to commit the time and clear my mind.  Now if only I could put a "Do Not Disturb" sign around my neck for 15 minutes...

On another note, I am enjoying my time as a volunteer religion teacher on Tuesday afternoons. I have a lively, enthusiastic class.  They like my out of the box lesson plans.  I wish that I also majored in education way back when.  I feel alive in the classroom.  My classroom management is probably a little too loose for some veteran teachers, but I think that the kids are engaged in the material. You all know that I throw in some comedy here and there.  Jillian is my little assistant teacher.  She gets a kick out of helping with the kids.  They all have adopted her as a little sister too.  She looks like a mini me when she uses my teacher gestures. 


Penny said...

I think all writers go through seasons of nonactivity. It just unfortunately happens; the creativity doesn't flow like it does during the good days. Just relax and know that they will come back. =-)

T Rex Mom said...

I do miss your poetry and hopefully it will come back to you when you have more time. The kids are only at home once so enjoy being with them and chasing after them. Then you can focus on poetry to ease the pains of being an empty nester.

I'd love to attend one of your religion classes. I bet it would be fun to be apart of your teaching, especially with you charming assistant.

Valerie said...

It hasn't gone, Kelly. Your brain has just been having a rest. Have you tried talking sensibly to the family and asking them to give you some space? It could work and you're entitled to it. It's nice having the children around but you do still need some 'me' time.

Angela said...

Sometimes it helps me to read other poets when I get into a rut. Just remember, we've all been there, in time your muse will come back.

Diane said...

My daughter mocks me often when I am leading the 3 year olds in Sunday School. She especially taunts my "dance moves." Lame but it keeps them mesmerized by my craziness. :O)


I think all poets go through a stage of "What can I write about?" but something always comes along.

Enjoy your week-end.

Jenners said...

You really dedicate a lot of your time. I hope you are appreciated!!!

And good luck find those moments just for Kelly. They are essential!

Gerri said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your teaching experience. Nothing, like little amazing minds to keep you inspired. You will find the time and your voice to write poetry again. I think as moms/wives/women we taken on too much...period. Fight for yourself, fight for that peace, fight for your passion my friend. much love!! ;)

G. B. Miller said...

I've had that "creativity inaction" possess me from time to time. Sometimes ya just gotta tough it out until it comes back, and believe, it will.

Vicky said...

Your muse is just in the shadows and when you are ready and have had time to come back to yourself, it will be there waiting and calling for you! Thinking of you and hoping that time to reflect for you comes soon!

Gail Dixon said...

Anyone that creates, whether writer, photographer (smile), painter, etc., experiences periods of dryness. During times when life is too busy and distracting for our outlet, we're still absorbing everything around us and when the time is right it will flow again. Don't get discouraged. You are a gifted writer and I have no doubt that your craft will return to you. :)

Glad to hear you are teaching a religion class and enjoying it! That's so wonderful.

Ken Devine said...

Once you've got it, you never lose it, but you can sometimes misplace it.

You have always been alive and you will know it if you could see yourself as others do.

Unknown said...

We all have to find that personal reflection time for ourselves. But, as moms it's sometimes hard, isn't it?

Glad to hear you are enjoying teaching the religion class. Sounds like you make the class a lot of fun for the kids.

The Write Girl said...

You will never lose that spark. As long as you make a quiet space for yourself, you can recreate that light and creativy energy. You have it in you Septembermom :)

kisatrtle said...

I too have felt spread so thin that I have no time for the things I enjoy. I am tired. I am still going to try and do NaNoWriMo again this year. I really want to finish another book. SOOOOO bad! Are you going to participate?

Unknown said...

Teaching a class of young enthusiastic pupils is always fun and energizing. Enjoy it!

Kim said...

I don't think you will let that part of you go ever. It's just a forced break! I think it would be a wonderful treat for those kids to have you as a teacher, especially teaching a subject that takes lots of heart and sensitivity to teach!

I've been so tired lately that I have gotten out of my habit of writing every day. Sometimes it's easier to zone out to the TV when I finally do get some me time. But I'm hoping that November will be a bit different. Hugs Kel!