Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Citar - Kindness

Arthur Hughes - "Home from Sea"

Kindness in ourselves is the honey that blunts the sting of unkindness in another.
Grantland Rice

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu

Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.
Samuel Johnson



Lovely words about kindness.

Have a peaceful Sunday.


Betty Manousos said...

Love the quotes so very true, and thanks for that beautiful artwork.
Big hugs,
B xx

Mamí♥Picture said...

wow love those quotes!

Have a Fabulous Sunday!

T Rex Mom said...

The Lao Tzu one is my favorite. As always, thanks for the inspiration. I'm off to think kind thoughts...

Randi said...

You know, it is so easy to be kind that it makes you wonder that there are unkind people in the world. Thanks for the quotes--it's a good reminder to ACT on those kind thoughts we have.

Have a relaxing day!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Beautiful words...

I hope you are having a great weekend, my friend.


Teresa <><

Flory said...

The painting is lovely and so are the quotes. I especially like the Rice quote - it always starts within us. Thanks Kelly. :)

Diane said...

That picture reminds me of my kids, always seeming to look out for the other one. Lovely! :O)

kisatrtle said...

the last of the three is speaking to me

Michelle said...

Oh that last one really hits home. I need to remember it more often - kindness even when fondness isn't present. Thanks, Kelly!

kel said...

I love the last one!

Jenners said...

I really love these. Lots to think about ... and to try and remember.

Anonymous said...

You are so gifted at finding such beautiful artwork. I just love seeing the beautiful art you post on here! And those quotes about kindness are great! I am well. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been inconsistant with my posts. It's nice to see you and thanks for stopping by and not giving up on me. : ) Hope you are well too!

He & Me + 3 said...

kindness goes along way and can fix so many things. Great quotes.

The Write Girl said...

I love the quotes on kindness. I certainly think you embody these quotes as well. Hope you have a nice week Septembermom :)

Susan Fobes said...

I love that first quote, although I had to think about it for a while...

Wow, your blog has changed! Have I been away that long?

Kim said...

Oh these are so great and so important to remember!! If I can raise some kind kids I will feel that I did my job as a parent. Hugs!!

Ken Devine said...

I like the easy to make a difference. Something devoid of cost can create something priceless.

Kringle said...

It has been so long since I stopped by.. but so glad I did to visit this beauty! I too posted the beauty of my summer!

Unknown said...

I needed to read this at this very moment. I'm dealing with an insufferable person right now and I needed a reminder that I can still opt to be kind. thank you.

Gerri said...

You are a wonderful and kind person. :)