It's Friday High Five time with Angela, over at Angela's Adventures and Minor Mishaps. Jump over to Angela's blog to join in the fun!
- What is with these ornery gray hairs that like to stand straight up and wave at onlookers?
- Hair up, hair down. The gray makes its presence known no matter what I do.
- Once at church, I was admiring the beautiful locks of the woman in the pew in front of me. When she turned around, I found out that she is probably 25 years older than me. I have "older" looking hair. Eye opener for me.
- My dear Grandma was fully gray at 40. I'm probably about
15-20 % gray. Can I make it to 45 without the whole head conceding to the gray invasion? - My little, observant daughter said to me, "Mom, you have Grandma hair."
First of all- I love gray hair and think that it looks so distinguished and elegant! (Coming from someone who doesn't have any yet...I may change my mind...)
But, if you are determined to color- I would do salon all the way! At least until you get used to it, or find a color that you like. If you think your hair looks like a grandma now, just wait until all of your gray hair turns BLUE with your home coloring kit! Just like MY grandma! :)
#1...lol!! I have those same ones!
Salon, salon, I say! Especially if its the first time. I admit, I'm a bathroom brunette from time to time, but those greys can be so stubborn, better to go wth a pro at least initally.
Good luck!
I started coloring my hair about 6 months ago when too many of those grays were showing up. My sister helped me the first time because I was scared of turning my hair green or something like that. It's really very easy though. I use clairol Nice and Easy and have had no problem. I did try Loreal once and found that one more difficult to use. I would love to do it at the Salon, but it gets too expensive! Good luck!
You poor thing! I would definitely recommend the salon. I used to do my own up until one time it came out green for some unknown reason. I only go to the salon now because I just don't feel like risking it anymore!
Hmm...that's a toughie. I occasionally do at home highlights and they're super easy, but as I don't have any gray to cover (yet) I've not done all over color, so it may be different. Salons can be pricey, but I guess it comes down to how confident you are in your own coloring abilities!! Good luck with whichever you choose!
I've never dyed my hair (not yet anyway) so I am no help, but good luck.
I started dying my hair this year for the first time. I highly recommend it and I also recommend the salon. It is soooooo messy and your hair doesn't feel nearly as good with the home stuff. It is a bit pricey - I pay up $90 Canadian for an all over colour but I don't wash my hair everyday - only about two times a week (shower cap the rest of the days while showering) and it lasts for a couple of months. It has been a treat I give myself - I never splurge on things like nails and pedicures so dying my hair is one of those splurges.
Never never ever ever never color it on your own. Trust me.
ummm, do you remember my hair dye post??? i got that hair dye crap all over the dang place!!!! anyway, i did like how my hair turned out...and i saved some money...but it was a big mess and i was way in over my head!!! literally!!! my hair was too long then....if i had to do all over again i would go to the salon....but now that my hair is a little shorter i might try it again on my own, especially now since i have some experience! if you do it on your own make sure you put old towels down everywhere!!!!!!
Seriously, why are the gray hairs a different consistency than the non-gray ones? I've noticed that too.
My mom used to say you're officially old when you stop coloring your hair. She stopped two years ago at age 68. I would say, keep the gray hair at bay! And salon for first time!
Ouch the grandma comment hurts.
i'm going to have to say salon color. only because it is your first time and maybe a 'professional' would be the best route. : ) color can do amazing things!
i used to hate my mom's silvery gray hair...until i realized how comfortable SHE was with it and content with just how she was. she is ALL gray and it gives her beautiful character. she's always getting compliments on how pretty silver it is. since she's okay with it...so am i!
good luck with this!
btw...thanks for your sweet comment on my blog about my photography. you made me smile and feel good about myself. i am learning so much and will never be even close to knowing it all. i'm enjoying my photography journey! thanks for being so sweet and encouraging!
I did my own for a few years and it went ok. The last three or four times I have gone to a saln. It is so nice to get it done for you. No mess, and the end result is lovely.
I have long hair, and solon colour would cost me about $200/month. Thankfully, most of mine can still be pulled out (my 20 year old daughter will do it sometimes)
I turned 44 in January and just noticed a whole new spot that they've cropped up in. Arrrgghh!
I feel your pain. What is your natural colour?
Opps! I meant "salon" .
OK....can't help you on this one...I am lucky to have any hair at all!
I only have one grey hair so far. Just one. Enough to take a black Sharpie and color it. I hope they don't multiply too much.
Start with the home hair color. It's a lot cheaper than salon, plus you won't feel as guilty about spending the money if the color doesn't come out the way you want it.
I do both...sometimes at home...sometimes at the salon (helps keep the costs down). My Grandma was completely gray at 25...and I followed closely in her footsteps. I haven't seen my nature hair colour in 15 years! lol!
My father and his siblings were all gray in their early 30's. It was beautiful against their skin. My aunt, who's in her early 70's, still sports a cropped fully gray head of hair and she was and still is beautiful. I have a couple strains of gray and will probably not die it when it turns completely. But it all depends on how you feel, the confidence you have, and the look you desire. It's all up to you, beautiful lady. Have a great weekend!
Wish I could help. I have no hair, and the only gray that is showing up is in mustache.
I think it is worth the cost to go to the salon ... i've done both but I always go back to professional because the colors really look better when done by someone who knows what they are doing. You could go platinum!!
If you can turn your hair purple I'd definitely go to a salon. How about you try fire engine red? (just kdding). There are beautiful people with gray hair so its up to you. Do what makes you feel beautiful.
Perhaps start with the salon until you are used to having color and then you can decide later if you want the home version?!
Blessings and good luck!
I have the same problem with gray. I finally gave in and did a home dye job ... but I've done it before. If this is your time, go to a salon and get basic advice about shade and home brand etc. I have a problem with my hair turning orange so I got professional advice and then did it myself after that.
Ah, I'm a first time visitor and a male at that, so I don't think I'm fit for this discussion. Just wanted to pop in and say, "Congratulations" for the Noblesse Oblige Award you received from Kim. I was also on her list for Family Fountain (please stop by and visit).
Ok, since I'm here, I will say that I think gray hair is a badge of honor. It shows we have lived, and living means we have experience at life. That is one of the primary traits in Proverbs for having wisdom. I like Proverbs 20:29 - "... Gray hair is the splendor of the old."
Thank heavens for Clairol Mahagony and Auburn (I mix two colours). And you've just reminded me I need to get to the shop to stock up and redo those grey hairs that are glaring at me!!
As you can gather I do it myself because it's quicker and cheaper. BUT my hair is short and I've had lots of practice. For your first time go to a salon (and observe the colour they use!) And if your hair is long, go to a salon. It's just much easier.
I am 20% gray and have to color my hair every 6-8 weeks. My husband does a pretty good job in the bathroom but for the last 5 years I have done salon. I have also had a variety of colors.
If you do decide to do a home one I do the semi-permanent and then it all fades together.
I say go immediatly to a salon! Now, I am sure you could do home color cheaply but it never looks right to me. I would recomend getting all over color and a few highlights. I get highlights and then I can go longer in between visits!
Whatever you do, DO NOT go gray. It makes you OLD. My lovely mother, whom I adore to no end, refuses to color her hair. She met my sons teacher and I told her that she was the same age as my mom and my Mom almost died. She looks 20 years younger JUST BECAUSE she colors her hair.
Why in the world would you look old if you didn't have to? That can't be good for anyones self esteem. Good luck!
I have been colouring my hair to cover grey hair for three years. I miss my even and natural colour. I started to grey in my mid 20's and it has been getting exponentially more grey ever since. I will probably have a whole head of grey within the next few years, I am guessing. I have been colouring myself but because I have to do it so frequently I will go to a salon from now on. The only thing is even though you fork out big in the beginning and it is then just maintenance of the roots. For me, I am only 38 and I really do not want to look like I am in my mid-60s (which is bound to happen if I leave my curly/wirey greys!). I think you have inspired a post for me!! Thank you. xxoo
Grandma hair...that is cute. I like the idea of getting grey hair. When I see one I try to keep it. (I am in my early 30s)
My own mother has always had silver hair to me. I never remember her hair being black. :) I think it's beautiful. My dad talks in his sleep and one day he was going on about how he had seven daughters and one son. "SEVEN DAUGHTERS! ...and one son...SEVEN DAUGHTERS! ...and one son..." and then he started naming off all our hair colors...how many are brown and blond and so on...then he ended with "AND One Silver Goddess!!!" and then snored again. It was adorable!!! So, don't take it to hard. I think silver hair is lovely and you should embrace it!
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