Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lonely in the crowd

There are days that I feel alone even when my household is bustling with activity. My kids are all about action. They jump from one activity to the next. My two middle boys are now very involved in planning a cops and robbers game with their toy cars. They are fully in the zone. I know that any of my comments or questions would probably bounce right off their heads and into oblivion. My oldest son's eyes are fixed on his football video game. So you know there is no hope for a conversation there. Oh, I hear the sound of explosions coming from the living room. My husband has found another one of those intense, bullet filled action movies for his afternoon enjoyment. I guess he surfed right by that romantic "chick flick" which would have caught my eye. My 3 year old daughter is my usual buddy during the day. However, she is caught up in her daily meeting with Dora the Explorer. So I better not disturb her.

While all this is going on, I'm puttering around the house. Cleaning up that stain on the carpet. Finding dirty socks jammed in the oddest places. Sorting the recycling. Planning tonight's dinner. The house may be loud right now, but I'm moving around in my own quiet way getting things done. It's almost like I'm invisible. In some ways, it's nice to walk around with my own thoughts. I can see how you can feel lonely in a crowd. I know my family loves me. But I sometimes feel like just the maid around here. These are the moments when I miss my girlfriends who I can always count on for a good laugh or an interesting conversation.

Hooray for all those great blogging buddies out there! I look forward to connecting with you on your blogs today. As you can tell from my blog title, I'm glad to have a forum where my voice can be heard. One of my kids is yelling for me now. Maybe invisibility is not too bad after all :)


Annie Wicking said...

Hi there, well you know we are always here to listen to your thoughts.

I've just drop by to let you know my blog has a new address:

I would hate to lose contact with you.

CDB said...

Ha, ha.. I WISH I were invisible when my toddler throws a mad meltdown tantrum in public! No really, these are the most important posts of all to write, because we can all relate. And that is part of what blogging is great for!

We're always here, when you want to share.

Lucia said...

Wait, how did you wind up in my house?! Except that my hubby watches car chases on youtube! Enjoy those moment of solitude! I could so relate to this, its also why I enjoy blogging, the comaraderie is nice.

Sherry said...

The blogging world is a gift for us moms, isn't it?
It sounds like you are doing a super job at home. Keep it up. And keep blogging! (Followed your link from Beth K's blog today to find you.)

A Closet Writer said...

You just written the thoughts of thousands of moms out there! Our family used to sit down for dinners together, but with everyone's after school activities and my husband's traveling schedule, it's a struggle to get at least one child to eat dinner with! I always relates to all your posts, thanks for sharing your thoughts and letting other mothers know that they're not alone.

Anonymous said...

you put it so nicely! i also spent this afternoon, while my son and husband were playing cars, cleaning and decluttering. the noise in the background knowing they were entertaining one another was enought motivation to help me get things done that i needed to get done. now, my son is sleeping and my hubby went to go and hit some balls at the golf dome. it's quiet and peaceful, but a bit lonely too. out bloggin' around and visiting my friends' blogs is keeping me company, too!

thanks for sharing this though. it's what i'm thinking A LOT of times!

Lori Lynn said...

Aw. Sorry.

When we were kids my mother used to talk about herself in the third person when she was tired of it all.
We'd holler, "MOM!"
She'd say simply: "She isn't here."


Sara Moriarty said...

I can really relate. Oftentimes I cherish this invisibility. My oldest (almost five) is very attention needing. Something I am sure he will grow out of and I will then miss. I have to remind myself to cherish being needed because it doesn't last forever. But sometimes I need a certain amount of invisibility. Get things crossed off the "TaDa" list and let my thoughts wander.
Don't cha love the "TaDa" List idea. I heard that concept on a blog and just adore it. Sounds much more exciting than a to-do list does.
If you ever need someone to have adult talk with email me. I love talking to you! My addy is
Have a great weekend.

septembermom said...

Thanks to everyone for their support today!
I needed it!

LuAnn said...

I know the lonely feeling with my kids and husband gone a good part of the week. I can't wait for them all to come home. What's going to happen in a few years when they will be gone (married). Don't really like to think about it.
Thank you for the blogging friendships!!!!

Michelle said...

I know how you feel. Sometimes the life you live is so not about YOU and so focused on others that you are lost... the person you. We all know our family loves us, but there are still times when that doesn't give us what we need. Good for you for seeking it out -- and I hope you find it!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy...blogger buddies are the best! I can relate to being in a loud house, but being alone in my thoughts.

Also, thank you for you comment on my blog today. I am blown away by all the support from virtual friends. Such a funny world is it not? Your words meant so much to me... Many blessings back to you :).

Amanda said...

Thank you for visiting my blog :o) Your blog looks lovely, I will be back!

Beth Kephart said...

And the funny thing is... Even after my own boy has gone off to college I'm still running around picking up things and taking the stains out of tablecloths and Momming. It just is the way, it seems. Blogging is a way of rooting in.

Kim said...

I loved reading this entry. I'm definitely not as busy as you are with only one little boy but I feel this loneliness sometimes because not many of my friends have children. Some of them are still doing what I used to do before child and husband. And although I don't miss being out or shopping all the time, I miss their company.

Jenners said...

I wish I felt more lonely ... my 4-year-old is always ready to be with me, play with me, follow me around. I actually look forward to being invisible --- I wish I was! But I do feel a bit like a maid sometimes!