Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pretend Play with my three year old

Watching my three year old use her imagination is always a joy. Pretend play is such a great way for young children to nourish their budding creativity. New ideas or variations on a game seem to come so naturally for young children during pretend play. It has often been commented on how a child's experience is so pure and direct. When involved in pretend play, I watch as my daughter embellishes and edits her story about a character or event from her imagination. She shows no hesitation or doubt as she happily goes on with her "story". If prompted, she can jump right back into that storyteller mode even after a couple of days. The experience stays fresh and alive for her. Taking the time to play and listen to her is also an educational experience for me. As a kind of "muse", my three year old daughter reminds me to release my "little girl imagination" so my stories can have that same purity and wonder.

Our children's young years are filled with a focused imagination and unbridled curiosity. Our interactions, experiences and artistic expressions would be so refreshed by renewing our commitment to find that imaginative child once again within all of us.

My three year old is now calling for me to help find the captured princess. She said that she knows how to get past the crocodile moat. I'm all ears!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Thanks for visiting & commenting. I always like to scan back to bloggers beginnings & I love this one. There is nothing like a child's imagination & sad sometimes when I see tv & video games robbing them of this precious ability. I wrote a short childs imagination post in Jan, I think, after watching a little boy play, watching him just made my whole day seem magical.
So I've got to know, did you get past the crocodile moat?