Saturday, March 8, 2014

So what is going on with me?

With SpongeBob playing in the background and the boys maneuvering all around, I think I'll try to get a post officially "in the tank" here. The day to day of life really has pushed my love of blogging on the back burner. I would love to carve out regular time again to blog and connect with all of you. Maybe it will have to be during this five minutes of relative peace on a Saturday morning. I'll see if I can make it my regular blogging "thing" again.

Unemployment once again has parked its unwelcome cloud over our family for the past six months. My husband and I are in job hunting mode 24/7. Highly competitive job market and so many others hunting for the same position. It can be a daily challenge emotionally when calls don't come, but we remain hopeful that all will work out. I may have to be the one to jump on the full time bandwagon if nothing significant materializes for my husband. Having been 16 years plus out of the job market, I may not be your typical candidate for certain positions. I laugh that I'm now in the "mature" category of applicants. Whatever that means.

The kids are all doing well. They are truly growing right in front on my eyes.  My oldest son and I will be embarking on a college visit trip to Boston soon. Now that "bonding" should make for some interesting and maybe laughable blog material.  My two other sons are way too enveloped by video games. This long, cold winter has to end so I can get them to play outside again.  My lovely Jillian is enjoying every minute of second grade and she loves ballet. It is such a sweet time for me each time that I watch her move so slowly and gracefully through each move during practice. She has good concentration and a true passion to enjoy the dance. I see many recitals in my future.

The love of our life, Lily, is enjoying her retirement on every couch that she can find in our house. We can't believe that it has already been more than a year since we adopted her from the rescue group. I have all sorts of Lily walking adventures to share with you in future posts. She is a very strong girl who sometimes gets carried away when a car comes by. My problem is that she doesn't know her own strength as she almost off knocks me off my feet.  Look at her now so quietly sleeping on the couch. Our truly strong yet gentle giant.

Peace and joy to you all.  Now time to make some kind of breakfast for me. After feeding the rest of the crowd, I look forward to these few minutes of munching on my English muffin.


Anonymous said...

Long time no hear, this is Yvonne Lewis. Pleased you're ok and that life is busy,
Owing to being hacked a few times have had to change my blog. It used to be "Welcome To My World Of Poetry"

Have a great week-end, hope to hear from you.

BECKY said...

Oh, September Mom, I'm sorry to hear about the job situation. I know how hard and scary that is, but I also know what a strong and happy person you are. You see the beauty in everything. I know things WILL work out for you and your lovely family. I have to read your previous posts and find out more about your Lily!

Mari said...

Nice to hear from you, but I'm so sorry about the job situation. It's so hard to be looking for a job.

H.K. said...

I know how it feels to have your hubby out of work and then looking for a job after being a working stay at home mom for many years. Good luck with the job hunt & I hope your hubby gets work soon!

Write said...

Thanks for your visit Septembermom. I pray you keep the faith. An amazing job is headed your way. It's so nice to hear from you. Good luck to your son in college. I can also picture Gillian dancing ballet. So beautiful! Hope you blog again soon :)

The Write Girl said...

Thanks for your visit Septembermom. I pray you keep the faith. An amazing job is headed your way. It's so nice to hear from you. Good luck to your son in college. I can also picture Gillian dancing ballet. So beautiful! Hope you blog again soon :)

Gail Dixon said...

How nice to see you blogging again! Glad to hear the children are doing well, but very sorry about the employment situation. Lord, please look after this beautiful family and help them find a job soon. Amen.

Ken Devine said...

Nice to hear from you regardless of the unwelcome situation that's part of your life at the moment.
Keep blogging and keep enjoying life.

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about the job situation. I know how trying that can be. I, too, have been out of the work force for basically 16 years. Last year, we were struggling a bit and tried to find a job. I applied and applied and couldn't even get a call back. Seems that being out of work for so long makes me a very undesirable candidate. It was very frustrating. Glad your kids are doing well. Our daughter graduates high school this year so we have been busy doing all the college visits/research, etc. She has made a decision and I am happy for her (although a little freaked out that she will be going two hours away from home to school). Take care and good luck with everything!

H.K. said...

Kelly! What's going on with you? I miss reading your blog posts! I know you must be busy, but do an update...hope all is well!

JM said...

hey lady!

hope you're well.