Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Update on Lily

It has been one week since Lily received her first injection.  I have been monitoring her very closely for complications.  Gratefully, she is a good girl who likes to sleep.  Overall, she is very strong and gets through the day well.  I have to take her out for only 3 minutes in front of the house to relieve herself.  I know that she wants to go for a longer walk, but she can't have her heart rate go up.  She doesn't know that she has a time bomb inside if she gets too excited. 

She and I are spending quality and quantity time together.  I am taking many more deep breaths these days. Lily is a gift to me.  I'll keep you all posted on her progress.  She goes for her next shots on February 5th and 6th. She should be "in the clear" mid March.

Hope you are all well.  I hope to visit you soon. Thanks for your good wishes!


Vicky said...

I have been keeping you close in thought! I have no doubt going through this experience will teach you things- Lily's sweet spirit really could have a profound impact on all of you :) You're a wonderful, loving, person to be taking such good care of her! Hugs Kelly!

shabby girl said...

I'm sure you are a blessing to her as well. I just saw a sticker on a car this morning in the shape of a paw that said, "Who rescued who?"
Isn't that usually the case?

T Rex Mom said...

I am so glad she is doing okay. We will keep sending prayers and good thoughts your way. It has to be tough to keep her calm. I am so glad you have each other.

Jenners said...

Glad to hear she is doing OK so far. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get that all clear. Is the vet giving you sedatives to help keep her calm? I know we had to do that for Romeo and Juliet after their spay/neuter surgeries so they healed OK.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry I missed some posts. I send love and hugs to you and know you will get through this.. Hugs GJ x

JM said...

aww kelly! I'm praying for you guys and poor lily!!!

But i'm so happy to see that it looks like she's going to get better.

Best of luck :)

Unknown said...

I'm rooting for you Lily! You are in very capable and loving hands :-)

Randi said...

I've been thinking of you and your sweet Lily. She's in my prayers as she heals, that all will go well. Your kind heart is doing wonders for her, I'm sure.

kisatrtle said...


Kim said...

First of all - HELLO!!! I have been in blogging blah land and have not been visiting my favourite places.

I'm sorry to hear about sweet Lily's heartworm. I'm looking forward to catching up with you my friend.