Thursday, November 8, 2012

So how do you build a log cabin anyway? Can a girl from the Bronx find quiet somewhere besides the bathroom?

I think that I may have to become Kelly Thoreau and find a cabin in the woods for peaceful, undisturbed and healing blogging time.  Has it really been this long since I blogged?  It has been a busy time for me with planning for Fright Night at the intermediate school (a big success gratefully), juggling the kids' activities and my volunteer work, and weathering through a week long power outage.  All in all, we feel blessed to be safe, healthy and happy here in our home together.  I pray for all those who have lost so much due to the storm.

I can't wait to visit all of you soon.  My battle with laryngitis is almost over and a vlog will soon be showing up here.  Now that the voice is returning, my kids are "thrilled" that I don't have to make all those crazy hand gestures and facial expressions to get my point across to them. How much the teenagers loved to act like they didn't understand my mime attempts at communication.  When a battle would brew among the boys, you can be sure that an almost accurately thrown laundry sock ball was thrown into the mix to get their attention.  Needless to say, they laughed at my "lame" (their description) attempt at pitching!


shabby girl said...

Happy to hear you weathered the storm! I had to laugh when I read your post title. I remember those times when the bathroom offered little found peace and quiet! LOL!

Gail Dixon said...

So happy to hear you are okay from the storm, Kelly! Sorry about your laryngitis. So good to see you and your good humor back on the blog. Hope you can find a regular posting schedule soon. :)

Mari said...

Glad you are feeling better! Laryngitis is the pits!

T Rex Mom said...

Yeah you're back and safe. I've been thinking of you with all the storms in your area.

Take care and looking forward to reading/hearing more.

Valerie said...

Oooh Kelly, I am so very pleased to see you back safe and sound. I worried about you when that storm descended on your area. Hubby keeps asking if I've heard anything. I can tell him now. Glad to hear the laryngitis has found it's way out the door! Hugs from me.

Unknown said...

glad to have you back and to hear that your family pulled through the storm and power outage. I have to say I am teensy jealous that you can escape to the bathroom. I cannot even hide out in mine. looking fwd to your vlog post and hearing about the successful fright night! :-)

JM said...

Happy to hear you're feeling better! Looking forward to your writing and vlogs soon :)

Jenners said...

Good to hear from you. I was wondering how you fared in the big storm. Sounds like your life is as crazy and busy as ever!

glnroz said...

,,,i am with everyone else about being "glad" to hear from you...Log cabin ? Oh My Goodness, you got my attention. You may have read my post about building my "hotel" in the back of the house. The Boss said that she only asks one thing...for me to not stay out there all the Acutally my early years, I grew up in a 100 year old log cabin..found memories...

glnroz said...

fond memories ,,,even lol

H.K. said...

I knew you lived in the area where the storms hit and I am so happy to hear that you and your family are doing fine except for the laryngitis part. Take care and get better soon!

Michelle said...

Glad to hear you survived the storm. Let's hope you survived Thanksgiving and the laryngitis, too. I haven't heard from you in a long time! :)

Kim said...

I like the sock ball idea. Lame or not. My two rowdies often seem to be deaf to my voice.