Thursday, April 12, 2012

K is for Knight

You're never too old for a little fantasy time.  Ladies, on this ordinary Thursday morning, take a few minutes to let your imagination wander.  If you were a damsel in distress (or just a damsel hanging around), who would be your knight in shining armor?  Let's have an MGM movie moment.  You can choose stars from today and/or stars from the classic movie days.

Big surprise for my choice:  Hugh Jackman  Here's my choice from the classics:  Gary Cooper (one of my Dad's favorite movie legends)

So your knight on the white horse who lives to adore you on the silver screen is....



Loved this Kelly. I look for my knight in shinning armour but Daniel wasn't around.


Gerri said...

Mine would be Mel Gibson but only the Braveheart Mel Gibson...not the crazy Mel Gibson. So I guess I really want the movie character and not the real guy. I've always been a sucker for a guy in a kilt ;)

Gerri said...

Oooh tough one...I can't choose. Probably because in my imagination, i'm always kicking butt, Sarah Connor style in Terminator 2.

The Write Girl said...

This sounds fun...I love Johnny Depp! If I was to pick an old school actor I would chose Paul Newman. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

It's hard to choose! It would be a tie between and Ryan Gosling and Boris Kodjoe. Maybe they could have a duel and fight over me!

Jenners said...

Heath Ledger like in that Knight movie he was in. He looked really good in that one.

You are very faithful to Hugh I must say!

Unknown said...

Fun, fun! I would have to pick Russell Crowe (as in Robin Hood or The Gladiator).

Vicky said...

Well look at you go! I just watched Pretty Woman for the umpteenth time and I wonder if I saw Richard Gere today if he'd still do it for me? Not exactly classic, but give him a few years :) Ha!

T Rex Mom said...

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones or Han Solo.