Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The case for slowing the pace

Taking it all in is a great release of stress for your whole being. Walks this spring will be on my agenda.  I need to slow down and appreciate all around me and all within me.  It's time for some inner spring cleaning for sure.

Love the warm breezes hanging out in my neighborhood today.  One, two, breathe... Yes, that felt good.

My busy, busy days often feel like a frantic train ride.  I need to slow it down.  I'm getting my music ready for a walk to the bus stop. I'll get rid of a few calories too before the next cookie urge!

See you all soon :)


Harvee44 said...

I'm all for slowing things down and taking things one step at a time! Have fun while you are doing it!


I think it does one good to slow down once in a while. But saying that I have just returned from the US and my youngest son has just invited me to his home in Spain on the 16th to celebrate Mother's Day.
We here celebrate Mother's Day in March not in May like you. So off I go again.

Thanks for the visit I do appreciate all your visits and comments.


the wild magnolia said...

i think if you slow down you might...fall off.

JM said...

Yes, my friend. Slow it down! Sometimes I wonder why am I rushing? What is there to do but experience the "now!"

Enjoy your walks!

Jenners said...

Walking is good. Not only do you stay in tune with the seasons but it forces you to relax and get exercise at the same time. The best thing about getting Romeo is that I go on three walks a day now … no excuses!

T Rex Mom said...

Oh gosh, I just want to take a walk with you. I think it would be great fun and then we could finish our walk with a plate of chocolate cookies. That sounds delightful after a very full day.

You, my dear friend, need to slow down and enjoy the warm breeze. And I need to do the same.

Valerie said...

It's okay to slow down providing you use the extra minutes for some YOU time. At least you're okay and I'm pleased about that. Hugs from me.

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

Slowing down, taking walks, deep breaths, good thoughts... enjoy!

Ella said...

Yes, slow down a bit and enjoy the view! We all are in this rushed, frenzy...find something beautiful on your ride. A game of I SPY SPRING~

Penny said...

DEFINITELY take some walks this spring. They're good for body, mind, and soul. =)

Gerri said...

Yes! Take it easy and be peacefully paced, I always say. :) xo

kisatrtle said...

Something to be said about slowing ur pace

bel said...

When Lulu asks me if it's spring yet, I tell her that the calendar says "not yet" but the weather seems to disagree...

Becca said...

This is why I love the spring so much. I can't wait to open my windows and clean. Something about the air and birds chirping make me want to do it. And be outside soaking it all up when I am done cleaning.

Unknown said...

"inner spring cleaning"...I like that. Mine will be getting ready to push out another little being in the next 4 weeks!

anthony stemke said...

A very lovely, inspirational post here, was good to read.