Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pausing to reflect on prayer

I tell my religion class students that we can grow stronger and more spiritual when reflecting on the words of "routine" prayers.  If we pause and reflect on the words and power of the prayer, we can be transformed in our thinking and approach to life.  As Lent begins, I know that this prayer recited just before receiving the Eucharist at Mass can heal me in countless ways.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Peace be with you all, my friends.  Visiting you soon. Enjoy your day! - Kelly


Gerri said...

I feel the same way's one of the things I love most about Mass...the healing words. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

I love the ritual of words too. Very healing and soothing.

Jenners said...

You make a good point. These familiar prayers become more meaningful when you think of them and ponder them. Too often, I remember just reciting them by wote and not listening to anything I was saying.

Gerri said...

Peace to you...

Unknown said...

My grandma told me that prayer is like any other daily routine such as exercise or brushing your have to be consistent to see results.


Very well written post Kelly,


Raj said...

So well said Kelly ...we can grow stronger and more spiritual when reflecting on the words of "routine" prayers”. Probable prayers are time for reflection !!

Anonymous said...

just stumbled across this blog post. very refreshing advice for children as well as adults. we all need a reminder now and then to pay attention to what we are saying even though most of us have the entire Mass memorized. guess it is another way of saying "be present" in the moment. thanx for the good advice...have a nice day!