Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Questions to Ponder

Why do kids look to battle right in front of you during every phone conversation?

How do I escape a "close talker" (remember Seinfeld) at the bus stop?

How can I bottle all my stress and make it go away today?

What should I make for dinner? (the question that never goes away)

Why does my 8 year old run from books? (is he my kid??)

Would I look silly trying to dance in Jillian's ballet class? (oh how tempting it is!)

Has anyone watched The Tudors? (what a find for me on NetFlix when I'm folding laundry)

Why does my PC want to be very kooky these days? (always when I want to blog)

Where is that last cookie? (if only you could tell me!!)


Vicky said...

I get such a kick out of these, and then after I've laughed I go "hey, yeah, why is that?" My mom used to try and talk on the phone in the closet, but the cord gave her away!!

If you figure out how to bottle stress can you come bottle some energy for me?

Deborah said...

Great questions, and the dinner one ... aaagh! LOL

the wild magnolia said...

1. Because they can.

2.Tell them, I'm allergic to your face. :0)

3. Don't bottle your stress, kick it to the curb, git outta hea-ah!

4. Deep Dish Tomato Quiche.

5. He's into "action fraction", he'll love to read one day. I promise.

6. That would be a yes, but...you can dance at home, when you are all alone, and it is dark, and no one knows your name, and you are in your flannel nightgown. That would be lovely.

7. Whoop-whoop!

8. It wants some space. Go figure.

9. Gone with the wind.

I'm so full and answers and wisdom, when it is someone else's life. ❤

Happy day and great post, from the Great Pumpkin.

Gail Dixon said...

LOL! Boy, I can remember when the kids would act up the minute I picked up the phone. So that still happens, I see. :) This too shall pass...quicker than you might think. I really lol'd at the close talker because my boss is a LOW talker. Some days I nod yes when I have no idea what he said! I might be wearing a puffy shirt one of these days. Maybe for the close talker you could wear heavy perfume and not brush your teeth? I dunno...what a quandary. It's so funny how Seinfeld is woven so much into our lives.

Kelly H-Y said...

Perfect ... and so true!

Unknown said...

Mine never leaves me be when I'm on the phone. I have am not allowed to socialize with anyone but her.
The Tudors is awesome. I watched the series twice.

Jenners said...

Not going to help you with the cookie .. I'm keeping it for myself. But as far as the close talker, maybe you should start eating A LOT of garlic! That might solve it!

kisatrtle said...

These ?s are hurting my head. I wish I had some answers

Gerri said...

Love this! ALL things I have pondered at one time or another. The dinner one is my nemisis...bleh. Love, love, love the Tudors...sad it is over :(

G. B. Miller said...

Start coughing and say to them,"Sorry, I am sick as a dog today."

Kim said...

Oh lordy can I relate to some of these. As soon as I get on the phone it turns into the Twilight zone - a very loud twilight zone! It's funny that you talk about the Tudors, I remember seeing a preview and thinking that it would be right up your alley - especially since you've written about your love of this period. I love that period too and love movies of that era.

It's hard to know how to deal with a close talker without seeming rude. But there is nothing worse! Hugs my funny friend!

Caitlin said...

Great post! I feel you on the dinner one- yuck! I hate this decision!

I LOOOOVE Tudors! I have been watching it on Netflix too and am about 1/2 way into Season...3 maybe? 2? I don't know, it's just queued up! It is my guilty-brian-is-working-late pleasure.

That Henry VIII can behead me any time! ;)

the wild magnolia said...

Hi there! Check my blog, I did a little bloggie about you. :0) ❤


I go away for a f and my pc has started to play up, a post disappeared along with the comments.
Enjoyed your post.


Gerri said...

Great questions. Close talkers really freak me out. Although, I'm a full eye contact talker that I know freaks others out...oh well. :)

Randi said...

"Why do kids look to battle right in front of you during every phone conversation?"

It's because they feel betrayed that you have interests besides them. It's their way of proving that they've "still got it" or in other words, that they can still get your attention away from ANYTHING.

"How do I escape a "close talker" (remember Seinfeld) at the bus stop?"

I'm in your same boat. The other night I fell victim to a close-talker who held my head as she spoke so I couldn't look away, then she spit as she talked and it landed on my lips. It took all my Christianity not to hurl.

"How can I bottle all my stress and make it go away today?"

No, dear Kelly, stress only gets worse when it is bottled up, hence the phrase, "Don't keep things all bottled up inside." The only solution is to put on a pair of clicky shoes, turn on the Celtic music, hold your arms against your sides and dance, dance, dance!

"What should I make for dinner? (the question that never goes away)"

Here is exactly what you should make for dinner: Pizza soup and breadsticks. 2 cans of tomato soup, 3 cups of water, 2 jars of Ragu pizza sauce and some Italian seasoning. Of course you may need to double the recipe since your family is larger. For the breadsticks, I get Fleischman's Pizza Crust Yeast and follow the recipe on the package, but instead of rolling it into pizza crust I make it into bread sticks. Easy peasy.

"Why does my 8 year old run from books? (is he my kid??)"

Alas, my 13 year old runs from books too. I have been having some success by having nightly reading time. He loves Percy Jackson and Robinson Crusoe. As long as *I* am reading. A good website for you might be www.readkiddoread.com

"Would I look silly trying to dance in Jillian's ballet class? (oh how tempting it is!)"

I think we know the answer is that you need your own dance class! Woot!

"Has anyone watched The Tudors? (what a find for me on NetFlix when I'm folding laundry)"

I have not seen it. What's it about?

"Why does my PC want to be very kooky these days? (always when I want to blog)"

Mine has the same disease. Firefox keeps freezing then saying "Not responding" or "A script has stopped on this page." Being married to a computer geek has not helped the situation. Shhh...sometimes it works worse after he's finished. But I didn't just say that in public.

"Where is that last cookie? (if only you could tell me!!)"

It's right here at my house but you have to come and get it!

The Write Girl said...

Sorry I'm late reading this but I love The Tudors. To reduce stress, sometimes I imagine everything has disappeared and it's just me and God. I try to find a quiet center or place to rest in my mind. What to make for dinner?-That's a tough one. Phew. Good luck!!