Friday, September 2, 2011

A beep here and a buzz there

On top of having this wild hair, I think that I figured out why kids are stopping to look at me more frequently at the park or pool. They must think that I'm a robot because my pocketbook is beeping or buzzing a lot these days. I have discovered texting and my texting friends love to send me notes all the time. It can be fun and exhausting when you have this constant back and forth exchange throughout the day.

I used to tell my teen son that I would never text. Well, look at me now. I have to admit that I like that instant fix of connecting with a pal especially when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

My husband also set my phone for email too. Each time an email comes in, there is a ding coming from my pocketbook too. I have three email addresses - long story. So I get email coming in all the time. Once all that PTA email starts pouring in, I'll be flooded daily with those updates and requests. Good thing that I put the phone on vibrate at church. All these notifications would cause such a "buzz" with the dignified ladies in the front pew. Excuse the pun.

Hoping to do the vlog this weekend. Getting ready for school here with the kiddos. Jillian is excited. The boys??? Not so much.


the wild magnolia said...

I'm here chuckling, I swore I would never text too, my daughters are in Maine. Guess who's texting??? Me.

Hope you are having fun!

Be safe this weekend.

Mari said...

I'm still in the small group of non texters. I need a better phone to start doing that!

JM said...

i wish i were a better communicator. i'm not good at calling, answering texts, nothing. I lose touch with a lot of people i love. i hope some of your enthusiasm rubs off on me :)

Gail Dixon said...

Until I got the iPhone I had no desire to text! When 3 letters reside on one key it makes it kind of frustrating. Now it seems to be my preferred method of staying in touch with someone. I HATE talking on the phone and when my phone rings I usually do not answer. I'm terrible about that!

Joy said...

I used to text a lot. When I say a lot I mean enough to get my bills shooting up. I am not such a phone talker so all conversations were texted messages. The bills cured me of that addiction.

Thanks to an outdated mobile phone, I don't have internet facility, which will be changing shortly as I need to go in for a new phone!I'm not promising myself anything that I "won't do" a new phone with so many new fangled apps and facilities could just make me go 'buzz'...:)


It takes me ages to text on my phone, so keep it for the pc.
Loved your post as always.

I would most sincerely like to thank you for reading all those poems of mine, I was amazed but it was most appreciated.

Have a lovely week-end.

Valerie said...

I like texting, but I found it easier on the regular cell than the iPhone.
Thanks for visiting me and leaving such lovely comments. Looking forward to the vLog. Happy Saturday.

Jenners said...

I too swore I wouldn't be a texter but there are so many things that lend themselves better to texting than a phone call. Here's to being a robot!!!

shabby girl said...

So funny! I, too, thought texting was for the young ones, but I'm finding that I enjoy it too. No invading of space, comment when you can, it's great!

Scarlet Elizabeth Smith said...

something i'm wondering is, that we both landed upon the same name for our blogs.....

T Rex Mom said...

I still don't have texting on my phone. I even have one friend I completely lost touch with because she said she only does texting and that's the way to reach her. My phone is so old it does not even have the option. Plus, we still predominantly use a land line. We're ancient here! Oh well. Someday, we might have to make the switch. You can tell us how it goes.

Love the fall background. And good luck to the kids going back to school. What are you going to do at home without them? It's going to be too quiet.

The Write Girl said...

Fun post....texting can be a lot of fun. I hope the boys have a great school year. Looking forward to another one of your v-logs. Take Care!

Randi said...

I've been a texter since Day 1, mainly because I managed a cell phone store and had to know what I was selling. I also love it because when I'm really busy I can just send a quick message without having to get involved on a long phone call. Or, if I know the recipient is busy, I can send a text so they don't have to answer the phone.

I love the new fall theme! Anxiously awaiting the new Vlog!

Unknown said...

okay texting mama! just promise to stretch those fingers so you don't get carpal tunnel :-)

bel said...

I don't text often, but every once in a while, a friend I don't ever get to see because she's so far away will send me something, and my inbox and sent folders fill up like crazy!

And if my phone buzzed every time the PTO sent something, it would never be quiet!!

Looking forward to the vlog. (don't cut your hair!!)


Gerri said...

I LOVE technology and texting is one of those guilty pleasures of mine. ;)

Ken Devine said...

I can just imagine it all:)
I'll catch up on your vlog when I get back from holiday...something I will look forward to.

kisatrtle said...

missing you!

Kim said...

That's it, I'm sending you my cell number so we can text. I don't mind texting either except I'm not all that savvy with it. That's if I remember to turn up my phone at all. Hope you had a great birthday. I thought about you!

SwedishJenn said...

I STILL haven't gotten the hang of the texting thing. I do it, but i hate it..ha! I'm so slow compared to the kids these days who clickety-click and send. Welcome to the 21st century, where I'm starting to feel old..ha!

Michelle said...

Silly girl! Seriously a recommendation though? Turn off the notifications for email. Just check it every once in awhile instead of having each one buzz. Too hard to get anything done otherwise. No comment about the Twitter going off constantly in the background distracting me :)