A 55 word flash fiction piece inspired by the painting above:
Was she not more than this reflection? His compliments circled her, but his heart sent chills. Discussions of her future hushed when she returned to the kitchen. If only she could push her heels deep into the sod and push away dependance on him, she would breathe again. He talked of America; she craved self.
Thanks for reading!
More, I want "the rest of the story". Yes?
More, I want "the rest of the story". Yes?
A sad existence for now.... holding out hope for her future. :O)
This one needs to be blown out more. I like it!
Oh this is really good and sadly how a lot of women are treated. Love it, Kel. Hey I agree with the others, this has the makings of a novel. (After boy books are completed.) Whew, you'ze has a lot of work to do. Makes me tired just thinking about it. :-)
I think you've captured in words exactly what the artist captured in her eyes: a sense of longing, a yearning and mostly a deep sadness.
Very good piece...and definitely the kernel of a novel!
Judy, South Africa
An excellent write as always Kelly, wish I could write like this.
Take care.
Wow. So much in such a short little story. Fits the picture perfectly. Very well done.
For some reason my computer won't let me view the photo. However, I feel like I can imagine it in my head based on your words. Thank you.
You have the makings of a great story here. I need to know more, Kelly.
Oh so poignant. My heart breaks for her!
Wow, my friend. The sadness and yearning you've depicted in so few words. Well, I'm in awe!
You really are gifted with words. So much conveyed in just a few sentences.
I enjoyed that!
the painting is so haunting and your words captured that spirit perfectly!
This is great! So much emotion, reflection, desire... Beautifully written!
You've beautifully captured such a huge story with few words. And it perfectly matches the expression in the painting!
Hope you're having a good May, lots of fun things going on, definitely!
So sad and I'm hopeful for her.
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