Thursday, January 6, 2011

So this would be my tweet right now

Why is my son acting out so much? What am I missing?

It has been an explosive afternoon with my 7 year old.

Motherhood is definitely not a walk in the park.

Looking forward to visiting you all later.


T Rex Mom said...

Sounds a lot like what I might tweet on a given day except change the ages of stuff. Except I don't twitter.

After the kids are in bed, take a bath or long shower and eat some chocolate. You'll feel better!

Mari said...

I found with my kids that they all went through stages. They would act up for a bit, then be good. Who know why?
On the other hand - maybe it's just a bad day, or something happened at school and you get the brunt of it!
Whatever it is - hope it's better soon!

Paul C said...

I like the idea of what I would tweet right now: why is sitting a terrier as challenging as an infant?

bel said...

7 is a hard age, huh? Sorry. If only a walk in the park would fix it like it did when they were 3!

Although, parenting a 3 year-old isn't a walk in the park, either...

I am sending Mothering Support vibes your way!

Vicky said...

Now doesn't that sound familiar? I could tweet most of those right back myself, meaning of course, you are not alone :)

My 8 year old's teacher told me today that my kiddo had complained of a stomach ache. So she sent him to the nurse who took his temp, checked him over and found nothing. He finally burst into tears and said he missed breakfast at school because the bus had been late and he was starving!

We just never know the causes sometimes, but we dig through all the stuff to unearth the cause when the answer isn't obvious. Happy digging...

Joanne said...

Maybe he's coming down with a bug of some sort? Hope things quiet down after dinnertime and you have a nice evening :)

Unknown said...

Hang in there!

Caroline said...

Hopefully it's just something he is going through today. I bet tomorrow will be better. Even 7 year olds have bad days. Hang in there ;)

The Write Girl said...

I like your little blurbs/tweets. It takes considerable talent to do this. Are you considering it? Have a great night. The weekend is almost here. I hope you have a chance to relax and kick your feet up!

kisatrtle said...

Wait...motherhood is never a walk in the park. Unless it's a cookie comercial. LOL

Michelle said...

Wait, WOULD be your tweet? You don't tweet? Really? Really?

Janna Leadbetter said...

Could it be the return to school after Christmas break? My youngest has really fallen apart the last two evenings, just before bedtime. I think because she's so worn out with our slide back into routine.


Raj said...

"Motherhood is definitely not a walk in the park" by the same token we pick up so much from our mothers!! You are bound to be rewarded many fold. Best wishes

Ken Devine said...

Sounds like todays seven is the thirteen of the 1970's.
I wish I had the challenge again.
You are more than a match for your four kids, a husband and whatever chaos is thrown at you, Kelly. This is just a tiny bit of opposition thrown in there to help you appreciate even more the good bits to come.

Valerie said...

I agree with Ken. It's just one of those roller-coaster rides that crop up occasionally, think of the good times when it's over. Difficult sometimes, but worth it in the end.


Children these days seems to have a mind of their own. Take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, all will be well .

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Parenting can be trying at the best of times, but while we have our pressures and stresses, we also have an equal, if not more, joys of happiness and euphoria, that is deserved, as we put so much effort into bringing our children up to have sound Christianly morals and values, that when these blossom into fruitition, we reap these rewards in deserved pride!

Thank you. Take wonderful and gentle care. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Dominic de Mattos said...

Hi Kelly - sorry you're having a hard time of it.

I was going to suggest waving your magic wand, then I remembered - they don't issue them to parents for some reason. :(

May you find a little peace and joy amongst the explosions!


christy rose said...

Hi Kelly,
Just stopping by to say hi! I have been absent from the blogging world for awhile and I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I have missed you and all of my blogging friends so much! It does not seem like I caught you on a very good day. But let me tell you I completely know how you feel. I have been there many times in my parenting years. It is a good thing kids are cute and eventually they say or do something that makes you smile and you forget all about how frustrated that you just were.:) I am pretty thankful to God for the gift of forgetfulness that He gave to me when I became a mom. :)
Hope your day gets better quickly!
God Bless,

shabby girl said...

Big hugs, my friend!
I'll recommend a book...parenting with love & logic. Oh, how I wish I had read that when my kids were small!!!

Susan Fobes said...

Some days are harder than others I guess. My son slipped on some ice today and put a nice gash in his palm. It took almost an hour to calm him down long enough to put antibacterial creme (he did it so I wouldn't touch it)and a band-aid on it. This was all after a grueling day with unruly teenagers-we both need some Calgon or something sweet!

Creativity said...

Lols :) :)


I have left an award for you at my Inspirational post. your writing is an inspiration to many,


Becca said...

Awe! I wish I could give you the answer but unforunately I want to know the same thing about my 4 year old on many days. Motherhood is no walk in the park for sure but it is a lot of fun too!

Hope you are doing well!!

Jenners said...

I hope the storm has passed ... I know these kinds of thunderstorms can be difficult for both parties.

He & Me + 3 said...

Going through that with my 5 year old. He will go from zero to 100 in 1 second flat. it is so weird the mood swings.
Feel your pain of not knowing what is going on...hopefully for us both just a phase.

Unknown said...

there must have been a tantrum bug going around because my 16 month old has it. It makes me feel so helpless. You would have to be a mind-reader to know what sets them off.

Gerri said...

I have begun to invest in these for my personal parenting library:

I'm using the eight-year-old one now. It has been so helpful for me. Peace my friend.