Well, my son dared me to share this little secret in the back of my teenage closet. Yes, I used to have David Lee Roth's poster on my wall as a teenager. I can still remember my dear old Uncle Bob coming into my room and saying, "Hey, that's some hairy girl on your wall." I didn't correct him. A big John Wayne fan, he was better off not thinking that men could prance around in leopard tights. A little embarrassed to admit that I put Dave up on my wall back then. You have to admit that he knew how to strut his stuff and "JUMP" with those great Van Halen tunes.
I also had posters of Rob Lowe and Shaun Cassidy. Remember those Tiger Beat days in the 70s and 80s? I know that I'm showing my age with this post :) Does anyone else have some poster confessions?
Have a great Saturday!
Good Info :) Thanks for sharing :) You too have great saturday :)
I don't remember hanging any posters but I did think Davy Jones of the Monkees was really cute!
I rememeber Tiger Beat in the early 60's! Let's face it, he was nice to look at. I didn't have posters, but I will admit that I liked the mullet look! Ha!
we all have those embarrasing posters from our past. For me...Dukes of Hazard. I was in love with Luke and Bo!
Sorry, my brothers and I had one picture hanging on our bedroom wall, which now hangs in my son's room - a framed picture of a 10-point deer. wb
You must be my age... 40's?! :)
Hahaha, don't you just love dares?!! This was a great one! I don't remember having any posters growing up, I don't think I ever did, but all my friends had them, and I would go stare at theirs!!
Ps, hope you join in on Sunday Citar tomorrow!!
Kirk Cameron was on my wall throughout middle school.
I had a feature in my blog's early days called "Kitten Confessions. I haven't written a post for that series in a lloooonnngg time. I may have to do so now!
Lol...I like this. Not sure if I have anything I'd like to ocnfess at this time : )
The only poster I ever had up was of a rock shaped like a star - it was titled "rock star". I thought it cleaver - my friends just thought it was me being "geeky"! Oh well.
Oh my goodness! My wall was postered with Andy Gibb. I loved him so much!
Oh yes, the days of Tiger Beat and all those teen mags! I had John Bon Jovi on my wall... I also had John Stamos up! LMAO
Every babysitting cent went to purchase Tiger Beat so I could plaster my walls with Donny Osmond. Man, I'm old.
Awesome!!! Lovin' the new look :)
I was a huge fan of the book and then the movie the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I LOVED all the young actors in that movie - Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Ralph Machio but most of all I loved C. Thomas Howell. I had pictures all over my part of the wall in my shared room with my two sisters. I even wrote to Tom Howell and received a post card back (most likely from some fanclub assistant.
LOL! Loved your uncle's response! LOL!
Well after I got out of my unicorn phase, I moved right to Jimi Hendrix and David Bowie. I was not your typical kid.
Here is me showing my age- My walls were covered with Backstreet Boys posters!!!!
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